is a non-profit organization whose mission is to discern the challenges of the climate emergency and the balance between fossil and renewable energies.

 is a non-profit organization whose mission is to discern the challenges of the climate emergency and the balance between fossil and renewable energies.

Re:sponding and re:aching solutions, re:asonable results, scientific conclusions, by re:searching, re:surging, re:thinking re:gulations

Re:sponding and re:aching solutions, re:asonable results, scientific conclusions, by re:searching, re:surging, re:thinking re:gulations

Scientists committed for a better documented evaluation of the global magnitude of the natural hydrogen resources and the renewal character of this source of energy.

Scientists committed for a better documented evaluation of the global magnitude of the natural hydrogen resources and the renewal character of this source of energy.

Javier de Mendoza

Founding member

Javier de Mendoza (Barcelona, 1944) graduated in Pharmacy at the University de Barcelona (UB, 1967) and obtained his PhD in 1971. He has been assistant professor (1971-1975) and associate professor (1975-1980) at UB, pursuing a postdoctoral stay (1971-1972) at the University of Montpellier (France), under the supervision of Professors Robert Jacquier and José Elguero. Since 1980 he has been full professor at the Universities of Bilbao, where he was chairman of the Department of Chemistry, Alcalá de Henares and the Universidad Autónoma de Madrid (1981-2014), where he held administrative positions as chairman of the Department of Organic Chemistry (1981-1985) and vice-dean of the Faculty of Sciences (1982-1983). In 2004 he became Group Leader at the new Institute of Chemical Research of Catalonia (ICIQ) at Tarragona, where he continues as professor emeritus after his retirement (December 2014).

Professor de Mendoza pioneered the introduction of Supramolecular Chemistry in Spain. Along his scientific career, de Mendoza developed pioneering contributions in the fields of molecular recognition of biomolecules (amino acids, nucleotides), chiral recognition of cations and anions, calixarene chemistry, self- assembly and catalysts design. He is co-author of almost two hundred international publications, and he has been invited to present plenary lectures at more than sixty meetings and over forty universities and research institutions. He has been president of the Spanish-French Association for Technical and Scientific Cooperation (1984-1989), member of the NATO panel for Supramolecular Chemistry (1991-1993), president of the National Advisory Committee for Evaluation of Chemical Research (CNAI) (1995-1996) and of the Bürgenstock Conference (Switzerland, 1999). He is Chevalier de l’Ordre du Mérite of France since 1994. In 1999 he received the Research National Price and Medal of the Spanish Royal Chemical Society, and most recently (July 2022) he became the fourth recipient of the C. David Gutsche International Award for his significant contributions to the field of calixarene chemistry.

Javier de Mendoza

Founding member

Javier de Mendoza (Barcelona, 1944) graduated in Pharmacy at the University de Barcelona (UB, 1967) and obtained his PhD in 1971. He has been assistant professor (1971-1975) and associate professor (1975-1980) at UB, pursuing a postdoctoral stay (1971-1972) at the University of Montpellier (France), under the supervision of Professors Robert Jacquier and José Elguero. Since 1980 he has been full professor at the Universities of Bilbao, where he was chairman of the Department of Chemistry, Alcalá de Henares and the Universidad Autónoma de Madrid (1981-2014), where he held administrative positions as chairman of the Department of Organic Chemistry (1981-1985) and vice-dean of the Faculty of Sciences (1982-1983). In 2004 he became Group Leader at the new Institute of Chemical Research of Catalonia (ICIQ) at Tarragona, where he continues as professor emeritus after his retirement (December 2014).

Professor de Mendoza pioneered the introduction of Supramolecular Chemistry in Spain. Along his scientific career, de Mendoza developed pioneering contributions in the fields of molecular recognition of biomolecules (amino acids, nucleotides), chiral recognition of cations and anions, calixarene chemistry, self- assembly and catalysts design. He is co-author of almost two hundred international publications, and he has been invited to present plenary lectures at more than sixty meetings and over forty universities and research institutions. He has been president of the Spanish-French Association for Technical and Scientific Cooperation (1984-1989), member of the NATO panel for Supramolecular Chemistry (1991-1993), president of the National Advisory Committee for Evaluation of Chemical Research (CNAI) (1995-1996) and of the Bürgenstock Conference (Switzerland, 1999). He is Chevalier de l’Ordre du Mérite of France since 1994. In 1999 he received the Research National Price and Medal of the Spanish Royal Chemical Society, and most recently (July 2022) he became the fourth recipient of the C. David Gutsche International Award for his significant contributions to the field of calixarene chemistry.

There is now a buzz around #geologichydrogen, especially since Bill Gates is now associated with it. We will be sharing articles on #naturalhydrogen @Hethos, while more scientific articles are on @Re2_renew #renewablehydrogen #hydrogen #energytransition

When Bill Gates’s @Breakthrough Energy Ventures, among others, backs a #geologichydrogen venture, it is safe to assume that this naturally-occurring form of #hydrogen is now firmly on the #energytransition solution road map. #billgates

As the #energytransition focuses on hydrogen, cost and ‘cleanliness’ of production have formed barriers to accelerated progress. The race on to extract #geologichydrogen at costs that could potentially undercut methane on price alone. 

The impact of discovering #naturalhydrogen in Bourakébougou, Mali, is gaining traction as we need clean, cheap and #renewablehydrogen to power the#energytransition but this is a story of how Hydroma brought electricity to the village for the first time.

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